Dark Matter Kickstarter Preview

Hello, welcome back to the Apprentice’s Guide. Today, I’ll be talking about the Dark Matter Kickstarter.

Disclaimer: Before any of you get confused, I didn’t start this project. Dark Matter was made by Mage Hand Press. I started this post because I backed this project and I want other people to back it too.  

So, what is Dark Matter? Dark Matter is a D&D setting where magic is used to power technology. Dark Matter is a science fiction setting, but you can still play an old-fashioned wizard with a spellbook side by side with an army of androids.

Dark Matter is completely compatiable with D&D 5e, so you can still use all the classes, races, feats, and monsters from the other books.

This book has 7 chapters in it.

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1. The ‘Verse

This chapter introduces the setting. It includes information about the universe, all the factions, all the races, and the different planets in the universe. This is useful for players who want to get to know to the setting and for DMs who want to run games in that setting.

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2. Races

The book includes six new races with a new customizable human subrace. These races are the Amoeboids (shapeshifting ooze people), the Avia-Ra (bird people that worship the sun), the Vect (living androids), the Skathári (survialist insectoids), and many others.

However, many of the D&D races (like elves and dwarves) are still playable in Dark Matter. In fact, any race in D&D can be played in Dark Matter.

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3. Character Options

Every class in official 5e SRD will come with new subclasses as well as subclasses from classes made by Mage Hand Press (you can find on this website). You can play an elven space marine or a halfling starship pilot if you wanted to, but you can still make a character without using any of the material in the Dark Matter book.

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4. Equipment

This section has blasters, laser swords (basically a lightsaber), rocket hammers, magic items, artifacts, and so much more. These weapons are a bit pricey, but they are worth every dime.

This section also has basic equipment like radio kits and vent tape (basically duct tape).

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5. Ships

This chapter includes rules for ship combat, rules for customizing or even making you ships, and over 40 example ships like human freighter to elven sailboats, to even flying dwarven mountain strongholds.

Buying a ship costs more than all your party’s equipment combined. But, you need a ship to travel the ‘verse.

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6. Monsters

This section is full of monsters, from monsters you fight on the ground like robots or humanoid aliens to gigantic monsters that are more ideal to fight on your ship.

There is also a pledge that allows you to make a monster that will be published in the book (I wish I got this, but it costs $1,000).

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7. Spells

This section has a ton of new spells, from spells that activate devices from a distance to spells that blow up ships to spells that shoot an orbital cannon down on your enemies.

Every class will get new spells at every level in this book.

Where do I pledge?

You can find the Kickstarter in the link here. If you can’t afford a hard copy, you can still get a PDF version if you pay less. Also, tell all your friends and your DMs.

So, I hope you have enjoyed this post. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments below. If you have enjoyed, please hit the like button and follow if you haven’t already. Until next time, I wish you the happiest of gaming.

Mr Wizard, Lord of Dungeons and Starships


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